Coach Nathan Godden
Snowboarder mountains
man camping in mountains
powerlifter deadlifting
trail runner posing

Hello, I’m Nathan.

I was (proudly) born and raised in St. John’s, Newfoundland, and have since lived in Vancouver, British Columbia and various cities across France. In doing so, I have had the unique opportunity to coach clients from all over the world - from those just looking to get started in the gym, to elite athletes.

Whether it be powerlifting, snowboarding, trail running, basketball, surfing, or long trek hiking - the million different ways the human body can adapt based on what you put in front of it is what “turns my crank”. One of the key ideas that shapes my coaching is that your training should amplify your ability and experience in the things you love to do.

I’ve coached in many settings - from physical rehabilitation clinics, to youth recreation programs, to varsity athletics. I understand that performance looks like different things to different people. No matter what you love to do, or at what level you do it - your time in the gym can help support and improve it. Let’s work towards your success.

If you want to learn more about my approach to coaching you can read more below, or click here to reach out.

 My Approach

What does “evidence-based” mean?

For me, an evidence-based approach comes from three “pillars” from which I base my coaching practice.


    I value basing my practice on quality evidence from industry leaders, current science, and industry standard certification courses.


    Science is cool, but a lot falls through the cracks if that’s all you look at. I’ve learned a lot from spending countless hours over 10+ years of being in the gym (as both an athlete and coach). I draw heavily from these experiences in areas that the research falls short.


    You’re pretty cool too, you know. Everyone I have worked with comes with their own rich, unique, and valuable experience. A big goal of mine is to work with my athletes - that way we can take advantage of this knowledge to create a plan that fits you best.

What does “athlete-centred” mean?

Simply put, this means my coaching practice is centred around what is best for you - the athlete.

  • All my programs are completely individualized - never “one size fits all”.

  • Success looks different for different people. It’s my goal to help you get to your personal version of success.

  • Not everyone can (or should) be in the gym 7 days a week - but everyone can make progress. I’ll work with you, your lifestyle, and your constraints to ensure your program sets you up for success given your unique situation.

Education and Certifications

Bachelor of Kinesiology
Minor in Psychology
University of British Columbia

National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist

Functional Movement Screen Level 2 Certified

Canadian Red Cross CPR/AED Level C

Still have questions?

I’d love to answer them.